November 17, 2007

Trip to visit my sister

We had a great time with my sister and her family last weekend. Doug had to miss the Rider game though. As you can see from the picture they tried to get the tv working but to no avail. Oh well at least the Riders won and it would have been a real nail biter to watch anyway.
Like I said we had a great time. The boys had a lot of fun too. It was so nice that they could go outside and play together and we didn't have to be out there supervising. Now Anson and Cameron keep asking when we are going back to their cousins house. With it being a ten hour drive I don't know how often we will get out there. Unfortunately those are the closest cousins. Our boys have 25 first cousins (another one on the way) but none live in Saskatchewan. They have the four that live in Alberta and the rest live in Ontario. It's really too bad that they wont get to know their cousins very well. We are really thankful that they have one set of grandparents close by though.