November 7, 2007

Laughing, and Learning!

Brandon is almost 7 months old right now and he is getting so strong. He can get on his hands and knees but hasn't figured out how to move yet. I don't think that it will be long and he'll be crawling....yikes! I thought that I didn't have to worry about our stairs until that time, but I was wrong. Yesterday I had him with me in the basement while I was doing some scrap booking and Cameron was downstairs as well playing with the toys. Well I went upstairs to call Doug and was on the phone not even two minutes, I then went to go back downstairs when I noticed that Cameron was half way up already with Brandon. I was so surprised that I called Cameron's name (mistake) and he let go of Brandon. Thankfully I got to them in time before Brandon went tumbling down. Needless to say my heart was pounding really fast for a while.