November 17, 2007

Other happenings

Although Brandon can get up on all fours, he gave up trying to crawl that way, for now anyway. He now gets around by doing the army crawl and when he is determined to get something he can go really fast.

Today we went Christmas shopping in P.A. We took all three boys with us and still managed to somehow buy them gifts without them knowing about it. (In a few years we wont be able to pull that off). Anyway every year we seem to buy the boys a lot of things and it is fun buying them things don't get me wrong. It's just that I want them to learn that Christmas is not just about getting but about sharing our blessings as well, mainly in Jesus name. After all He is the reason for the season. I'm a dreamer and I always thought that it would be neat to go to a city somewhere and do volunteer work with needy people during the Christmas season. That way the boys could see first hand that there are really others out there in need instead of just hearing about it. That might make it more real to them. If anyone has ideas they would like to share that would be appreciated.