November 23, 2007

Enough is Enough

My precious baby Brandon is now seven and a half months old and is still not sleeping thr0ugh the night:( But it hasn't always been that way. He started sleeping through the night at two months old and then it was interrupted by a few big trips that we took. I thought that it would get back to normal eventually, but then he got sick and I snuggled him a lot. Well things just went down hill from there. It got to the point where I would have to rock him to sleep for night and for naps and then he was still getting up two times at night to nurse....yawn. Anyway I finally had enough and I did some research on the Internet and came up with a plan. There were a few websites with good tips, but the one that I like the best was the sleep sense program by Dana Obleman. You can buy the book with a step by step guide, but she also has a blog with helpful advice. Yesterday was the first night of trying out my plan. I laid Brandon down in his crib and I sat right beside him. Needless to say he wasn't that excited about my new plan and protested for a while. He eventually went to sleep...for about twenty minutes. So we did it again. The night didn't go so well either, I ended up still nursing him two times. Tonight I am very encouraged though, I laid Brandon down in his crib awake and I left the room right a way and he didn't even fuss:) Hopefully I can be strong and not nurse him tonight if he wails.

Some of the things that I am changing are; I am going to put him to bed a seven, have more scheduled nap times, I am not going to rock him to sleep, and I am going to stop nursing him at nights. Now hopefully this works he will be sleeping through the night in a weeks time. If not I might have to buy the book.