Time flies when you are busy. I felt a little unprepared for Christmas this year. In mid September I started my training as a
CSR at the bank. I worked full time for six weeks and came to the conclusion that if having a full time career and being a Mom is having "it all", then I don't want "it all". Right after my training Doug went for major knee surgery. In the midst of working, feeling like a single parent at times, I was suppose to try and get ready for Christmas. Well 9 days before Christmas, Doug had a follow up appointment for his knee in the city and I was able to start and finish my shopping. We only had a small budget this year, so we weren't able to do a lot. The day after we got back from the city we found out that the transmission on our van needs to be replaced. Fixing that along with other things that need repairs on that van would cost just as much as replacing the van so needless to say we are
unexpectedly shopping for a different family vehicle. We have gone through a difficult past few months, but can see that God is showing us things in us that
aren't very pretty, things that that need to be changed. I'm so glad that God loves us too much to leave us the way we are. Also in the past few months we have been so blessed by family, friends and the Church family. I'm so
overwhelmed by people's goodness and God's goodness to us. I feel so undeserving of it, but am very grateful for it.
Christmas did come whether I felt ready or not. We were able to celebrate at home with the boys first thing in the morning. I thought that the boys were at an age where the excitement would make them wake up super early, but
surprisingly the slept until quarter to eight. We read Matthew's account on the birth of Jesus and then we opened the few gifts. The boys went Christmas shopping with the school again this year. They get to go to the Salvation Army thrift store and buy anything for $5 and under for a quarter. It was neat to see what the boys picked out for each other and for us, and they were so excited to give those gifts. From Cameron I
received a brand new home interiors candle in a jar. Not my favourite scent, but special none the lest. From Anson I got a pepper shaker of a
Chinese looking cat.. He thought it was neat looking and so do I.

After our family time we headed over to Doug's parents. Doug's Mom is on crutches so his sister and I did a lot of the meal preparations. It wasn't actually that much work. I'm not one who desires to be in the kitchen all of Christmas day. I would rather keep the meals simpler and spend more time hanging out as a family. And thankfully that was the case this year. At Doug's parents house we usually read Luke's account on the birth of Jesus and then everyone
gets to pick a favourite carol and we sing the first verse, then we open gifts. The boys always seems to enjoy themselves even if they don't have any cousins to play with. Maybe if they did, they would bug poor uncle Rhys so much.

Anson and Cameron showing off some of their loot. Cameron was thrilled to get a Calgary flames shirt. Doug is not a a flames fan at all, Cameron choose that team because his friend with the same name as him cheers for them. We'll see how long he stays a fan.

Brandon is crazy about trains (and balls). He loves his new train set and even goes to bed with the trains.

It was a very special Christmas. I love spending it with my boys. But most of all I'm so thankful for Jesus - the greatest gift ever given. I don't know how I would deal with life's circumstances without him.