It's been almost four weeks since Doug's knee surgery and things are still pretty crazy around here. Doug is doing really well, but the surgery was a bigger deal then both of us thought and therefore we had some pretty unrealistic expectations. I figured that in six weeks he would be back to normal and working full time. But it actually takes about six months to recover and he will have to slowly ease his way back to work. In the mean time he spends quite a bit of time doing his exercises and going to physio. Doug has been very faithful and diligent in doing the required exercises and not spending all his time on the couch in front of the TV. I'm so proud of him.
Here is a picture of Doug's knee when he had the 25 stables (sorry maybe I should have warned you first before showing you this picture).

Just in case you are wondering what Doug does for a living I have included some pictures of his (and his Dad's) masterpieces.

Much nicer then the knee picture, eh?

Are you drooling yet? I know I am, maybe one day I'll get Kroeker cabinets.