We celebrated Anson's birthday with a party of 13 boys. We had not planned to have that many, but he had taken the liberty to invite a few extras. At least he told us about it, apparently when his uncle was a boy, he had a few extra boys come home on the bus with him to his birthday party without his Mom knowing about.

Opening up his gifts. I was so glad that Doug came home from work early to help with the party. I don't know what I would have done without him. Anson had a lot of fun at his party. Next year he will only be allowed to invite seven boys.

After all the boys went home. Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Janelle brought over supper and we kept partying.

For his birthday Anson received a Bible from Grandpa and Grandma.

He also gets to go to a Rider game in October. I must say that he is a blessed boy, and I'm blessed to have him as my son. He is very percious to me.