We were able to get away this weekend to the city. We wanted to go because it is Anson's spring break at school, so we wanted to do something fun, but we also needed do some shopping. So it was both business and pleasure.
For the most part we had a great weekend. It was really good to just get a way from the daily stresses of life. On Friday we rented a hotel with a swimming pool, and did some swimming in the afternoon. Then for supper we went to Doug's Aunt and Uncle's house. We were joined by another Aunt and Uncle and some cousins. We had a great time of fellowship there. After supper we all went over to their church for a huge Easter egg (more like chocolate) hunt. The boys had a blast and we'll be eating chocolate until next Easter. On Saturday we did some more swimming and shopping, the boys did really well but we definitely didn't get as much done as we had hoped. For supper that day we went over to some friends house. By this time the boys were starting to have some behavioral problems. I know that they were tired but we still expected a little more from them. On Sunday we joined Doug's relatives for a great Easter service at their church, and then for lunch. At this point our two oldest boys are still having some behavioral problems and Doug and I are running out of patience. It was time to go home. It was good to get away, but even better to come back home.