Brandon is 11 months old already. Today was a really good day with him. He napped really well and didn't whine. But I must say that the past month has not been so great. He has been cranky! I blame it on teething, but unfortunately he doesn't have any teeth as a result yet. Brandon is a very busy boy. He loves to go through my cupboards, as you can see in the picture above he helped himself to some Cheerios (he doesn't even like Cheerios anymore). He stands by himself for a few seconds and has tried to take a step, so I don't think that it be long before he is walking. (Both Anson and Cameron were walking by this age) Brandon no longer eats baby foods, he likes to eat what we are eating, his favourite food seems to be pasta, and of course he loves bananas. I can't believe that in one short month we'll be celebrating his first birthday. Granny G (Doug's grandma) came for a visit last week. The last time she was here Cameron was a baby. It was great to see her again. Sick day - This is how Anson spent his day. Unfortunately he had to miss school because he was sick. It was hard for me to see that Anson was not feeling well, and I wish so badly that there was more I could do for him to help him feel better. I just hope that tomorrow he is himself again and that no one else gets the bug that he has. On Sunday our church had their annual sleigh and chili social. The weather was gorgeous, and we all had a lot of fun. I feel very blessed by our church family.