January 31, 2008

Just Boys

Brandon - He is not quite 10 months old yet, but I still wanted to give a little update on him. I took him for his 9 month check up at 9 1/2 months. I was suprised that he had only gained one pound in two months. He went from being in the 55th persentile to the 25th percentile...nothing to be concerned about, he is just our little squirt. Also about a week ago I noticed that he has a little tooth poking through the bottom....his first tooth!

Cameron - It has been insanely cold around here lately and Cameron has a crazy amount of energy that he uses to tease his brother Anson. Cameron is still a lot of fun though, and he definitely makes my days interesting.

Anson - It is so hard to keep him busy enough on his days off from school especially since I can't send him out to play in this cold weather.

I also wanted to mention that I am reading the book by Stormie Omartian, The Power of a Praying Parent. It is so good! (I recommend it to anyone who is a parent) The last chapter I read was chapter fourteen, Instilling the Desire to Learn. As with so many other topics she covered, I found great encouragement in this one...there is such amazing power in prayer. I just want to quote the part that I am going start praying for my boys. It is taken from page 109, "I pray he (she) will respect the wisdom of his (her) parents and be willing to be taught by them. May he (she) also have the desire to be taught by the teachers You bring into his (her) life. Handpick each one, Lord, and may they be godly people from whom he (she) can easily learn. Take out of his (her) life any teacher who would be an ungodly influence or create a bad learning expereince."