Brandon's first Christmas he seemed more interested in the wrapping paper than the actual gifts. But he still seems to like the new ride on toy that he got.
Brandon is now eight months old and what a delight he is to have around. He now can crawl on his hands and knees but when he wants to get at something a little faster he still does the army crawl. He is all over the place so we have to make sure that the basement door is closed at all times, which is hard to do because Anson and Cameron are used to going up and down as they please.
Brandon still has a toothless grin. It seemed earlier this week that he was really teething. He had a runny nose, cough and rosy cheeks, but nothing is poking through yet.
Brandon also joins us for all meals now and eats his baby goop. He seems to like whatever we give him so that is nice.
This is such a fun age, it is so neat to see Brandon learn and grow. We all adore him very much.