Life has been crazy around here lately. It seems like if all three boys aren't sick at the same time then at least one of them is. Brandon was sick for almost two weeks and his sleeping routine got all out of whack. I got so tired (literally) of him sleeping in our bed, so I moved a twin bed into his room. I ended up going in there the first couple of nights and sleeping with him for part of the night, but now Brandon is feeling better and last night he slept in his big boy bed all night by himself. YAY!!!

There is this kids clothing store in town that put all their kids clothes on sale for 50% -75%. Grandma treated the boys with new outfits for each of them. They look pretty handsome if I have to say so myself.

Anson at six and half years old has his first loose tooth. We'll see how long it is before it comes out.
Cameron when left unsupervised at a church meeting decided to give himself a haircut. I don't know if you can tell by looking at the picture.

Brandon loves to get the screwdriver and "fix" things like his Daddy. It is amazing how his brain works.
The boys continue to bring me joy everyday, I just think that they are growing up way too fast.