Things are getting back to a normal routine around here, almost too normal. It is so easy to just keep doing what I have been doing but I really want to change a few things in my life this year like, getting fit and organized, etc. (my New Year resolutions). I am determined to stick to my New Year resolutions. I know that I can't do it with will power alone, I've been there, done that and failed time and again. What will make the difference this time is that I committed them to God and acknowledge that I can't do it without Him.
A way in which I want to get my house organized is by using the method that Emilie Barnes describes in her book,
More Hours in my Day. The basic concept is that you organize your house one room at a time, 15 minutes a day. Today I finished the boys room. The next room up will be the master bedroom.
I also want to get my daily routine more structure. I am working on a schedule for myself, and a menu plan. I have yet to find a good time to have my devotions.
Anyway I am really excited and looking forward to each day that God gives me this year.