-I'm 20 months old.
-I'm 32.5" tall.
-I weigh 24 lbs and 11 0z.
-My favourite things to do are go through my Mom's cupboards, throw things into the bathtub, and touch the beads on the Christmas tree.
-I can say about a dozen words like; bye-bye, night-night, ball, Mom. I can also speak in sentences but nobody understands what I'm saying.
-When I don't get my way, I throw myself down, kick my feet and scream. Unfortunately this doesn't help me get what I want.
-Most of the time I am a good little brother except when I bite my big brothers and pull their hair.
-I like to tease my friend Calleigh when she comes over to play by getting the baby (doll) before she can. I don't know why she likes it so much anyway, it doesn't seem that fun to me.
-My favourite person is my Mommy. I cling to her when we go somewhere, so she doesn't dare leave me.
-I get a lot of compliments on my beautiful blue eyes.
-I'm Brandon and I'm cute and adorable and I know it!