January 24, 2010

Lots of Snow

Up until today we didn't have very much snow, but today we got dumped on. As a matter of fact most people are snowed in. There were only about 40 people in church today. I'm so thankful for a 4x4 in weather like this.
This is how we found our new to us Ford explorer this morning. It'll will be nice to have the garage done and be able to park inside. Doug is working hard to make that happen.

January 23, 2010

January 20, 2010

Something that is not easy but needs to be done

It is hard to believe that January is almost over and haven't started any of my goals that I had for 2010. I think that I should start my New year's resolutions in March, after year end is done for the church and after I file my tax return.

The one that seems to come up every year is to lose weight. I need to lose weight for my health's sake. I feel fine now, but if I continue to over eat and not exercise, I'll pay for it later on in life. Besides God has given me this body, I need to honour Him with it.

I'm great at starting things, but not so good at continuing them, but I'm hoping that my weight loss ticker will be a good tool for me to stick with it this year. Here's hoping.

January 5, 2010

Sweet Dreams

Lately Brandon likes to grab a few books and flip through them before he falls asleep. Tonight when I went to check on him I found he had fallen asleep "reading" Clifford (one of his favourites).