June 27, 2008

Busy Boy

Brandon is a very content, happy baby (Yes, he is still my baby), but he is very busy. The other day he went into his room and was gone for a while and so I went to check on him. He had opened the middle drawer to the change table, climbed in and after emptying a few things couldn't figure out how to get down. Also lately one of his favourite things to do is to go into the garbage under the sink and help himself to a snack. He has found toast and yesterday he was trying to eat yogurt out of an empty yogurt container. He definitely keeps me on my toes.

June 22, 2008

We're Back!

On Tuesday we arrived home from Ontario. We had a wonderful time visiting, swimming, visiting some more, and of course attending my sister's wedding. I'm so glad that the boys were able to get to know their cousins a bit better and their grandma also.
Now it is time to get back to a normal routine, which is going to be different for the summer. Anson only has two more days of school left, and I am going back to work for the summer. I am working at the Regional Park at a store selling fishing gear and ice cream and such. The odd time I will work at their restaurant which is in a different location. It is not my dream job, but it works well because I will only be working when Doug can watch the boys.
I am excited for the summer even though it will be a busy one.